Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Meet Jenny

I grew up in Arlington, TX. I lived there from the time I was 1 until I graduated from high school. I am the oldest of 4 children. I am very blessed to have two amazing parents. They worked very hard to make sure that we could all reach our full potential. Often times this meant postponing things that they wanted for themselves.

Growing up I played high school softball, sang in the choir (though i'm not the best singer), participated in a church youth group, and worked as both a sonic car hop and a YMCA camp counselor. I met my husband, Jordan, when I was 16. We were a part of the same church youth group. Jordan and I immediately took to each other. I never really felt as if I was with someone that I just met. I was able to be myself without thinking about it. I knew he liked me when he hit me in the mouth while doing the YMCA dance (causing me to bleed everywhere). He still swears it was an accident- right Jordan. Once we graduated, we went our separate ways, Jordan on a church mission to the Dominican Republic and me to pursue a bachelors degree in physical education. We kept in touch through letters. When he completed his 2 year church mission in 2000, we continued to keep in touch. We soon decided that we wanted to be married, but also knew that I wanted to complete my degree. So, we waited. Finally, in June 2002 after what seemed like forever we were married.

We immediately moved to Greensboro, NC so that he could attend UNC Greensboro. I got a job teaching elementary physical education at two local schools. In June 2003 we moved to Raleigh, so that Jordan could attend to NC State University to complete his bachelors degree in statistics. I was lucky to find a job teaching PE and coaching softball at a local high school. In January 2008 our daughter Gracie was born. I stopped teaching so that I could take care of her. I am grateful that I was able to be a teacher. It taught me a lot about myself. In fact, I still miss it sometimes, but I am very grateful to be able to stay home with Gracie. It might sound crazy but I have just as much fun doing puzzles or using play dough as I did teaching kids how to shoot a basketball.

In 2009, Jordan accepted a job in Asheville, NC. Moving here has been a wonderful blessing for me. I am really lucky to have made many great friends here. We have enjoyed the mountains, the small towns nearby, the fall weather, and most of all the people. We will be moving back to Raleigh in the near future so the Jordan can pursue another job. I may have only spent a short time here but Asheville will always feel like a home to me.