I had always feared that I would never get married. I had never had a boyfriend (other than a boy I held hands with in first grade and a different boy in fifth grade) and didn't have any experience dating. Ever heard the saying, "sweet sixteen and never been kissed"? Well, when sweet 20 came rolling around I was distraught. I married at the ripe old age of 21 to my best friend, Ryan, and yes, I am married to the only guy I have ever kissed.
After Ryan and I both graduated from James Madison College in 2004 we had our first child, Nathan. In December 2004 we moved to Florida where Ryan began law school. During this time I opened a licensed home daycare. At the conclusion of law school Ryan decided he wanted to further his education and we moved to Miami, FL where he received a masters of law in taxation and we welcomed our second child, Audrey. Despite a weak economy we were lucky enough to be offered one position which happened to be in Asheville, North Carolina and we gratefully accepted.
After Audrey's second birthday I discovered a mass growing on her back under her left shoulder blade. Consequently (or not) the same day I discovered I was pregnant with our third child. Within a short time, it was determined the mass was a malignant Rhabdoid tumor. After the tumor removal we began a very difficult schedule of chemotherapy and radiation. Audrey completed her chemotherapy the same day her baby sister, Elysse, was born - May 28, 2010. Audrey is now in remission.
I love being a mother, it defines me. I am so grateful to be married to such a wonderful man that loves and supports me in my efforts to be home with our children. I know with today's economy there are many mothers that are financially unable to stay at home with their children. There are many aspects of the workforce that I miss and think that one day I may again be apart of; but, for this season I cherish the time I can spend with my children.
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